Congratulations! You’ve applied for the job, landed the interview and are ready to do the necessary preparation to make a great first impression. Knowing how to answer these five very common interview questions is a great place to start.

Why Do You Want This Job?

When it comes to answering this question, simply telling the interviewer you really need a job will not set you apart from the rest of the candidates. What will is answering in a way that not only lets them know you’re interested but you’re also a right a fit. It’s always good to talk about one or two things you already know about the company or staffing agency, such their company mission and the industries they service. Then you can get into what specifically interests you about the job and how you would be a great fit for the job. The trick to nailing this answer is to be very familiar with the job description as well as the highlights of your work experience.

Tell Me About Yourself

This can be a very daunting interview question because it’s very open-ended and there are so many things you could say. But you should hone your answer and keep it relevant to the job you’re trying to get hired for. Talk briefly about your job skills making sure you highlight your biggest accomplishments. Bring up any certification or special training you’re received professionally and what you hope to achieve in the future.

Why Are You Looking for a New Job?

If you’re looking to leave your job in search of something bigger and better, this interview question is a no brainer. However, if you’ve been fired or laid off, then it can be a little tricky. To still make a good impression without being dishonest you want to explain clearly and quickly why you were let go. Follow that up with what that experience has taught you and how you can be a great fit for this role. What you don’t want to do is badmouth your former employer or try to give excuses for what happened.

Why Should We Hire You?

Just telling the interviewer you’re the best person for the job isn’t enough. Your interview answer should be like your resume, tailored to the job you’re applying for. Take three to four of the requirements the job description lists and show how you meet those criteria. That includes the technical know-how, the years of experience you have and even the soft skills that may prove useful for this job. It’s also a good idea to include any key words from the job description in your answer so it shows that you really know what the employer is looking for.

Do You Have Any Questions For Me?

Before coming to the interview, you should already have a list of questions to ask the interviewer. So when this question comes up, take a look at your list and ask those that weren’t answered. If all of them were, some safe questions to ask can be about the business culture, the hiring process and the timeline for following up with them.

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