Networking is a great tool to use in your job search. Not sure where to start or even how it can help? Here’s what you need to know:

  1. If the thought of networking makes you nervous (especially when you’re a shy person) these four tips are for you.
  1. Just lost your job? Reach out to your social network ASAP. They can help!
  1. When making a connection with someone who could potentially hire you, make the most of that first introduction.
  1. Once you get the hang of reaching out to people in your job search, it’s important not to make these mistakes. It could kill your chances of getting the help you need.
  1. Now that you’ve got a circle of people in your industry, put those contacts to good use (and nail your job search).

Bonus Tips: Learn how to network like a blue collar worker both offline and on social platforms like LinkedIn.

Are you ready for more career tips like these? Click here now to get all the information you need to get back to work.

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