Are you looking to get ahead in your career? Interviewing well is essential to the success of your career. If you want to nail your job interview, make sure you avoid making these three mistakes.

Mistake #1: Failing To Research The Company

One of the worst things you can do in an interview is failing to prepare. After all, how can you have a productive conversation on something you know nothing about? That's right, you can't. This is why you need to research the company you are interviewing with. Here are some of the things you need to know:

  • What is their mission statement? Why do they exist?
  • How was the company founded? Who are its founders?
  • Who is their competition? How do they differentiate themselves?
  • What is the culture like?

These are just a few examples of the things you will need to find out. Don't go into the interview unprepared. Know the company you're interviewing for.

Mistake #2: The Dreaded "Weakness" Question

What is your greatest weakness? It's probably the most dreaded question in an interview. Fortunately, this question doesn't have to stump you. You can answer the question in a way that is accurate, but not harmful to your candidacy. When preparing for this question, use a weakness that doesn't have much bearing on the job you are applying for. For example, if you are interviewing for a sales position, you don't want to tell the interviewer you have trouble closing deals. You could discuss your difficulty with Microsoft Excel instead. After figuring out which weakness to use, you will talk about what you have done to improve in that area. This shows the interviewer that you are willing to take responsibility for shortcomings.

Mistake #3: Not Selling Your Accomplishments

One of the things you will discuss in your interview are the feats you have achieved in your career. You don't want to only talk about how good you are, you want to show how good you are. The best way to discuss your accomplishments is to state the outcome of what you did first, then tell them how you did it. For example, if you led an initiative that saved the company money, you would say something like "I saved the company $1.2 million by implementing a new initiative." If you desire to progress further in your career, you will need to master the art of interviewing. It is something that is crucial to your career. If you do your homework, prepare for the hard questions, and sell your prior accomplishments effectively, you will show the interviewer that you are confident, competent, and worth hiring.

If you need help progressing in your career, Contact us today!

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