For job seekers, job searching is a long and stressful task but it can be life changing also. The littlest details make the biggest difference. Candidates only have one chance to show the company that they are the best choice for the position. It can be hard to remember everything to do, but these are the ones most people forget.

Research the Company

In a bad job market, the company a candidate works for may not matter much. The problem is the company wants to matter to the candidate and cannot be just a stop-off in a long line of interviews. They want to know what the candidate can offer the company and how they fit in with the ethics of the business. Early dedication and prior knowledge of the company goes a long way.

Update Your Resume

Ideally, a candidate should update his resume for every position at every company he applied for. Unfortunately, there is not always time for that. At best, the candidate can create a resume for each of the positions he is trying to attain. This is the time to list new achievements and education and explain gaps in work history. It also does not hurt to research new trends in resume format that current hiring managers prefer.


Meeting hiring managers, supervisors, and potential coworkers is scary. However, being tense shows employers that the candidate does not do well under pressure. Leaving an impression with employers is one of the most important factors of an interview, but candidates must make sure it is a relaxed and happy impression rather than a feeling of tension and negativity.

Call Back (or Do it Too Much)

Ask when you can expect a call back after the interview concludes. Never call back before that time. The best time to check back is two or three days afterwards, but do call back. It shows continued interest in the position. Calling back too much shows desperation and that the candidate has no other prospects because no one else will hire him. Unnecessary phone calls waste company time. This might reflect how the candidate works.

Ask Questions

It is not just about asking questions, but about asking the right questions. Never ask about pay. Rather, turn the interviewer's questions around. Where do you see the person in this position in five years? What is the company looking for in the person they hire? Bring a list of questions to ask and take notes. If the questions can come up during the interview, be sure to ask them.

Thank the Interviewer

This is the most common thing people forget to do after an interview. Thank the interviewer right after the meeting and shake his hand. Then, send an email or a thank-you card personally addressed to the person who interviewed you. If it was multiple people, send multiple cards/emails. An email is more professional but a card is more personal. Determine which you think would be best by the atmosphere of the company and the interview. Never call to thank the interviewer.

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Hourly Rate: {{ Job.JobPayRate }}
{{ Job.JobShortDescription }}
Posted: {{ Job.DisplayablePostedDate }}


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