Reading the words “must submit resume” in a job description can make any job seeker super nervous. Luckily we have five great tips and tricks that can make the process of creating a stellar resume a lot less painful.

  1. Feel like your job experience is all over the place? Lifehacker has tips on how to link them all together on your resume so it makes sense.
  1. This cool infographic gives you five great tips that can you take your resume from good to great!
  1. You’ve done your homework and put together an awesome resume. But before you send it off, make sure you check for these hard to find mistakes that can hurt your chances of getting hired.
  1. Don’t forget to include your soft skills too! Here’s how you can show things like teamwork and communication skills on your resume, cover letter and more!
  1. Every great resume should have a great cover letter. Here’s how to make sure you address it to the right person.

We also offer great tips on crafting the perfect resume as well as how to list your temporary work.

Are you ready for more tips like these? Click here now to get all the information you need to get back to work.

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Tips , Resumes
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Posted: {{ Job.DisplayablePostedDate }}


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