
The Hunger Within: Labor Finders Serves Lunch and Hope to the Homeless

January 09, 2013

By: Celina Klee

Every now and then, a situation touches the heart. You want todo everything in your power to help.  Back in March, while onhis way to work, Dan Shube, Labor Finders International's Directorof Marketing heard a sad and too common report. "The news story wasabout hundreds of people who have lost not only their jobs but alsotheir homes due to the economic downturn. Hundreds of men, womenand children ... families living in tents near the American Riverin Sacramento, California. "I knew that we at Labor Finders havethe ability to help," said Dan. "So after a brain-storming sessionit was agreed that we had to do more than just give a hot meal tothese people ... we would try to get them back on their feet byoffering job and career guidance."

Dan and Celina Klee, Labor Finders International's Manager ofPublic Relations immediately called Pat Bergman, the Director ofCompany Operations for both the Labor Finders and LF StaffingServices franchise and Summer Barr, the Sacramento Branch Manager,to see if this idea would fly. Well, it not only flew, it soared.Summer got in touch with an organization in Sacramento that takescare of the city's homeless. It was decided to hold an event atLoaves & Fishes on April 5 (Palm Sunday). "Our plan for thisevent, besides giving these people a hot meal, was to draw theattention of local employers possibly leading to getting thesepeople jobs, which would make an amazing day," said Shube.

"Sacramento is my home and I truly believe in giving back to ourcommunity. Every day my focus is getting people jobs. If we canhelp these people on Palm Sunday then it makes the day that muchmore special," said Summer.

April 5th was indeed special; hundreds of people arrived earlyon the beautiful spring day at Loaves & Fishes to not only geta hot meal but some sound career advice. With Labor FindersInternational's donation to feed 800 homeless people, thirty-fivevolunteers from Loaves & Fishes prepared and served the food.Hundreds filled out job applications; many had their resumes andcollege degrees in hand and waited patiently to speak with Pat andSummer, along with their fellow staff members, for some soundcareer guidance.   Yes, it was a very specialday.   

See Pat on <ahref="http://laborfinders.com/frmMediaReleaseDetails.aspx?PressId=254&mode=1&RoomTypeId=1"><u>KOVR-TV13 (CBS)</u></a> and Summer on <ahref="http://laborfinders.com/frmMediaReleaseDetails.aspx?PressId=248&mode=1&RoomTypeId=1"><u>KTXL-TV40 (FOX)</u></a>.