
In Appreciation of Labor Day

August 26, 2013

By: Chloe Hoffmann

Labor Day is a day of appreciation for the hard workers ofAmerica. Deemed the "workingmen's holiday," in 1882, Labor Day wascreated in order to celebrate workers' efforts that propelled theUnited States to great economic achievement. This holiday takesplace annually on the first Monday in the month of September.

Labor Day is a day of gratitude. We acknowledge that workers arethe heart of this country. Their continuing strength anddetermination are the reason for our country's success. The driveto produce and succeed is the goal of every worker. The same driveis found in every Labor Finders worker.

When I arrived at Labor Finders to gain insight into the publicrelations field, I had no prior knowledge of the staffing industry.As I learned more about Labor Finders, I was enlightened. LaborFinders bridged the gap between companies that were in need ofworkers and workers in dire need of a job. The opportunity to workand make a living for oneself is the foundation that our countrywas built upon. Labor Finders insures that the American Dream stillexists.

There isn't a shortage of testimonials from people expressinghow Labor Finders changed their lives by giving them an opportunityto work. The Labor Finders workers' testimonials I heard wereextraordinary. I listened to interviews expressing how some workerswalk or ride their bikes many miles daily to find work at theirlocal Labor Finder's office. Many workers were dealing withunfortunate circumstances, but they persevered and still managed toput forth great effort and have a positive attitude on the job.These stories made such an impression on me. These people made thedecision to look for work, no matter the circumstances, in order toprovide for themselves and their families.

A particular story that moved me was about two Labor Finder'sworkers that were in line for the same job. One worker expressed tothe other that he might not be capable of being hired for the jobbecause his boots were weathered and had holes in them. Withouthesitation, the other worker offered to purchase the other workernew boots. When I heard this story, I was moved. Even though bothmen were competitors for the job, one was helping the other. It wasthe greatest display of camaraderie I had ever heard of. Thesestories, along with the warm and inviting staff I had the pleasureof working alongside, made my internship so remarkable.

I would like to express my appreciation for the workers at LaborFinders. These workers do the work that most people wouldn't evenimagine tackling. Labor Finder's workers are warriors; they battlethe summer heat and the winter cold on construction sites for longhours. At the end of the day, these workers have dirt on theirshirts, sweat on their brows, and paycheck in their pocket. And,that is the epitome of patriotism.

I commend Labor Finders and their employees on theirachievements and successes, and I wish you all a wonderful LaborDay.